Mickey Rourke.

Heidi Montaq& Spencer Pratt as Jon and Kate Gosselin

Host from The Today Show as the Star Wars theme.
Blogging to let you know how good the Lord is, Inspire, put my mind across, let you get inside my head.
"For as many as are of the works of the law are under the curse; for it is written: ' Cursed is everyone who does not continue in all things which are written in the book of the law, to do them.' But that no one is justified by the law in the sight of God is evident, for 'The just shall live by faith.' "
It is said, "...everyone who does not continue in all things that are written in the book of the law is cursed. " Those who think they believe in Jesus, yet try to be justified by their works are cursed. Where are those who try to be justified by their works? They are under the curse of God.
Why did God give us the Law? He gave us the law so that we may realize our sins (Romans 3:20). He also wanted us to know that we are complete sinners who are destined for hell.
Believe in the baptism of Jesus, the Son of God, and be born again of water and the Spirit. Then,you will be saved from your sins, become righteous, have eternal life and go to heaven. Have faith in your hearts.
"That i may proclaim with the voice of thanksgiving,tell
of all Your wondrous works."-- Psalm 26:7
Did you ever find yourself staring at the words Thanksgiving
Day on the calendar and wondering what in the world you had
to be thankful for?.
It could happen if a job loss makes you wonder how you'll ever
get enough money to survive. Or if you have recently heard nothing but bad news from the doctor. Or if someone you had entrusted with your heart has broken it and run away.
The reasons we may find it hard to give thanks are as many as the troubles that strike us each day.Difficulties don't pause for a Thanksgiving break.
There is a way,however, to find reasons to be thankful during even the darkest episodes of life. When the curtain of struggles seems to block out all joy,we can choose to be thankful.
One way is to look into Scripture to see all the things we have to be thankful for,which have nothing to do with circumstances. Despite our trials,we can give thanks for God's unfailing goodness ( Psalm 106:1); for God's holy name (Psalm 30:4); for deliverance from sin (Romans 7:24-25); for victory over death (1 Corinthians 15:56-57); for God's nearness (Hebrews 13:5).
When all joy seems gone,we can still find reasons to thank God -- even if it means thanking Him that our difficulties will one day be replaced by the joys of heaven.
Credits: My Church.
She said in a issue of Entertainment Weekly.
"Because I have tattoos and dark hair and I was in an action movie? That's as far as the similarities extend."
She also said shes not the next anyone,but admits one thing in common with Angelina.Megan Fox once said that she was afraid of angelina but said she was joking and has no plans to meet her.She should know that they look alike and admit it.
"She always seems otherworldly in her power and her confidence," Fox says. "I'm sure she has no idea who I am. But if I were her, I'd be like, 'Who [...] is this little bulls--- brat who was in 'Transformers' that's going to be the next me?' I don't want to meet her. I'd be embarrassed."
“Ever since I was born, daddy has been the best father you could ever imagine,” the 11-year-old said. “And I just wanted to say I love him so much.”